We all have a story

Within each of us resides a remarkable story, a tapestry woven with threads of resilience and triumph. It is a story that extends beyond the surface, delving into the depths of our hearts where we have endured heart-wrenching losses and encountered pivotal moments that altered the course of our lives. DEAD sparrow remind us that we are not defined by our losses, but rather by how we rise from the ashes, persevering through adversity to rewrite our own narratives.
At DEAD sparrow, we believe that inspiring stories and quotes provide motivation and
encouragement, while also offering a perspective that helps individuals contextualize their own setbacks. That's why, on our blog, we will share real-life stories and quotes.

Would you like to contribute your own story to DEAD sparrow? The rules are simple: no personal information should be included, and the story should not exceed approximately 600 characters. Please feel free to submit your story to


Build Your Crew

Build Your Crew

Build Your Crew

A Healthier Life

A Healthier Life

A Healthier Life

A winter picture of a city, the picture shows sunset over the city, snow, trees and in front of a bigger tree a bench.

Small steps towards the life you want

To stay motivated and improve self-esteem, it is important to remain positive and focus on the positive aspects of our lives. Instead of constantly dwelling on our shortcomings and not...

Small steps towards the life you want

To stay motivated and improve self-esteem, it is important to remain positive and focus on the positive aspects of our lives. Instead of constantly dwelling on our shortcomings and not...

Picture of spruce trees next to lake.

Dealing with challenges

- Sometimes things have to go wrong before they can go right. Sometimes we have to let the wrong people walk out before we allow the right people to walk in....

Dealing with challenges

- Sometimes things have to go wrong before they can go right. Sometimes we have to let the wrong people walk out before we allow the right people to walk in....

Picture of a footbridge among trees.

I had no easy childhood

"I had no easy childhood. My mother suffered a nervous breakdown after my brother died and since she had no one else to rely on, I took care of her...

I had no easy childhood

"I had no easy childhood. My mother suffered a nervous breakdown after my brother died and since she had no one else to rely on, I took care of her...

Close-up of raindrops on a leaf.

My biggest mistake

"The biggest mistake I made was not opening up about how I felt. I often tuned out my feelings, which only made me more isolated in my own thoughts. To...

My biggest mistake

"The biggest mistake I made was not opening up about how I felt. I often tuned out my feelings, which only made me more isolated in my own thoughts. To...